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Posted on: December 17th 2021

News from the Head Teacher

News from the Head of School

As the term and the year draws to a close I have been reflecting on all the positives the Autumn term has brought. I read back through the newsletters that have gone out this term intending to pick out one or two highlights but found every paper was filled with amazing learning experiences, children supporting each other and a whole range of activities that show how the community supports the school and in turn the school supports the community.  So before we move forward into the new year I wanted to say some thank yous.

Thank you to the children who embrace every opportunity with enthusiasm.

Thank you to the team in school who have worked tirelessly in pursuit of excellence.

Thank you to FOHBS for giving their time and energy to raising funds for the school.

Sadly though we will be saying goodbye to some valued members of our team.

We will miss Miss Grabham greatly as she embarks on new challenges and although Mrs Poynter has been with us just for a term she too has made a big contribution to the school. 

I do hope you all have a safe, healthy and wonderful Christmas holiday. I look forward to seeing you all in the new year.                        

Joanne Crocker

Executive Teaching Head of School 


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